GYMSAN FR 001 is a sanitizing product that delivers an effective antibacterial and anti-mold action; it has been designed to treat fitness & gym equipment, as the thin haze produced by the spray enables it to penetrate all the micro-cavities in which bacteria, microorganisms and mildew can hide.
FAQ: Gymsan
Frequent questions about sanitizing Gymsan
Derived from a powerful disinfectant broad-spectrum (mixture of benzalkonium chloride, orthophenyl, essence of eucalyptus / citrus, conformulanti and demineralized water) approved by the Ministry of Health (Medical and Surgical n. 19892), it is active against the most common and dangerous bacteria and microorganisms: Pseudomonas aeruginosa, Staphylococcus aureus, Escherichia coli, Enterococcus hirae, Candida albicans, and Aspergillus Niger. If sprayed regularly on fitness and gym equipment (ideally, every 2 or 3 days), it prevents the proliferation of bacteria and micro-organisms which find their ideal nestling and proliferation in situations of heavy sweating and direct skin contact with objects used by other people (for example, the exercise bikes).
Just spray a small amount of TRAVELSAN on the luggage by a light finger pressure on the valve placed at the top of the can, at a distance of about 30-50 cm. The fine haze allows the product to dry quickly (3, 4 minutes), without need of sponges, rags and gloves.
GYMSAN FR001 is formulated to act effectively on a wide range of materials (rubber, plastics, leather, metals, wood, textiles, glass) without damaging them or causing stains or halos. It is particularly suitable for all those surfaces with micro cavities, such as textiles, where only a very fine haze can penetrate. This property makes GYMSAN FR001 a unique and unparalleled product to deliver an effective sanitizing action in every situation.
GYMSAN FR 001 does not contain any PBT or vPvB substances (Persistent, Bioaccumulative and Toxic – very Persistent and very Bioaccumulative) and it is not hazardous to health or to the Environment, according to EU Directive 67/548/EEC and/or the Regulations (EC) 1272/2008 (CLP). Therefore, it does not represent any significant risk for health, housing, air and the Environment. As a precaution it is recommended not to spray the product on the skin, eyes and mucous membranes; furthermore, it is recommended to keep it away from children, who might mistake it for a toy.
A bottle contains 300 ml of net product, which is suitable to treat about 3.5 square meters of surface; therefore, to give you an idea, about 50 saddles of stationary bikes or 5 cabin size suitcases can be treated. Thanks to the fact that the can from aluminum, the product may still be use and can for about 12 months from the first use, without any reduction of the product’s properties.
GYMSAN FR001 is also suitable for any other situation where the prevention from bacteria, microorganisms and mildew is recommended (for example, lockers, footwear, interiors of car, campers, boats) or absolutely necessary (for example, for the toilets and the showers of hotels & apartments in certain areas where hygiene might represent a concern).
GYMSAN FR001 is particularly useful, if not essential, when we travel on public transport (trains, buses, planes, ships) and when we stay in places where the hygiene can be critical. GYMSAN FR001 has been specially formulated to be not flammable. So, the possibility of taking GYMSAN FR001 travelling with you, comfortably and without risk of accidental spillage, represents an additional reason to buy it
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