GYMPROTECT PR 923 is a product designed to protect fitness & gym equipment from drops of sweat, water and fat, which can lead to stains, corrosion and bad smells. Its price/quality ratio is particularly advantageous, as it is marketed by the producer.
FAQ: Gymprotect
Frequent questions about protective Gymprotect
GYMPROTECT PR 923 creates a a very thin and invisible film hydro and oil repellent on the treated surface, preventing the adhesion of weat, water, grease and any other type of organic liquid.
Just spray a small amount of GYMPROTECT PR923 directly on the surface to be treated, by using the pump supplied with the bottle, and let it dry for 5-6 minutes (in average conditions of temperature and humidity).
GYMPROTECT PR 923 has been designed to protect surfaces from metals, rubber, polyurethane, PVC, fabric, suede leather, nubuk leather, and smooth leather, without damaging them or result in stains and spots.
The duration of the protection by GYMPROTECT PR 923 depends on the weather. In a room or in a building protected from the rain and with an air humidity not greater than 75%, the protection last for about 3 months. If instead the objects are exposed to rain or the air humidity is superior to 75 %, the waterproofing duration varies between 3 and 10 days, depending on the intensity of the rain and of the air humidity.
GYMPROTECT does not contain any PBT or vPvB substances (Persistent, Bioaccumulative and Toxic – very Persistent and very Bioaccumulative) and it is not hazardous to health or to the Environment, according to EU Directive 67/548/EEC and/or the Regulations (EC) 1272/2008 (CLP). Therefore, it does not represent any significant risk for health, housing, air and the Environment. As a precaution it is recommended not to spray the product on the skin, eyes and mucous membranes; furthermore, it is recommended to keep it away from children, who might mistake it for a toy.
GYMPROTEC may also be used to protect other items from metals, rubber, polyurethane, PVC, wood, smooth leather, suede leather and nubuk leather; for example, interiors of cars, motorhomes, boats, footwear, sport garments, tents, sport equipment, furnishings.
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